Who are we?


Our 25+ years experience in the European, Americas and South-East Asian regions and our IT, High-Tech, Intellectual-Industrial Property, Innovation & Strategy Consulting as well as M&A management experience position MB-International Advisors as the partner who helps you reach your planned business outcomes. 

Four strengths define our consultancy and advisory services:


  • Data-driven, Digitalization, High-tech, Innovation (incl. Intellectual/Industrial Property)
  • Focus on business development and disruptive business model introduction
  • Focus on internationalization: Local operations and cultural understanding 

  • Broad coverage of client projects (from large multinational corporations to national small enterprises)

Our USP:

  • MB-International Advisors has excellent business relationships with sector players across several geographies: We have the tools to open doors to new opportunities, doors that often have difficult access
  • Strategy & Execution: we enable the best opportunities through the tight & transparent collaboration with our clients
  • Our value proposition: Long dedication & experience, direct execution, personal engagement


Our international partner network:

  • MB-International Advisors is internationally linked to an international network of over 100 consultants covering the whole world

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Bad Kissingen Str. 27
81671 München

Tel.: +49 211 15846985
Fax: +49 2682 6271
E-Mail: info(@)mb-international-advisors(.)com

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